Career Astrology: Should You Choose a Job or Start a Business?

Career Astrology: Should You Choose a Job or Start a Business?

Choosing between a job and a business is one of the most significant decisions in a person’s life. On one hand, a direct and focused career path may attract some people, but on the other hand, the freedom of being the sole owner of a small enterprise attracts others. But how do you determine which path is best for you? This is where Career Astrology comes in. Everything truly fits together via your birth chart when some of the top scientists like Dr. Vinay Bajrangi do your chart. Then, dear astrologers, open your way to feeling deeply about all the issues that you face, so you are guided to make the responsible choice.

 Job or Business? What Does Your Horoscope Say?

 In Vedic Astrology, the 10th house (house of career), 2nd house (wealth accumulation), and 6th house (service and competition) play a crucial role in determining your professional success. If these are in the good condition and Sthira or benefic houses are fetched; then a job may be the right one for you as you can achieve great heights in it. If you wish to know what you should choose- a job or business as per birth chart The 7th house and the 11th house aspected by the 3rd house stand out as strong indications of business as the probability of success gets them a promotion and gains their bravery.

 Astrological Combinations for a Successful Job

 Saturn with strength in the 10th house: Hard work and sincerity in a diligent job at a particular venue is predicted. 

Placement of 6th house in the right way: The 6th house has a good ability to cope with competition, and it also depicts good service orientation. 

Conduction of Mercury and Sun: As words can carry the action, an impressive form of communication can zoom a person into the office of the CEO. 

Location of Moon: A well-placed Moon in a horoscope reveals job stability while a weak Moon points to the potential for job changes.

 Astrological Combinations for a Thriving Business 

7th house in a favorable position: All the business partnerships must be well-characterized and be under good control in order to make business relationships work.

 Advent of Mars in the 3rd house: It is the FB time in history to get courage which will be required by all those persons who are starting new businesses

Jupiter in the 2nd and 11th houses: Financial stability and expansion of the enterprise are ensured. 

Attractive position and power of Rahu: A great Rahu, which is strong and placed in a desirable position can bring about new and unusual success in business ideas and success in oppositional fields.

 Remedies for Career Growth 

If your career horoscope shows obstacles, you can resort to certain astrological solutions: Praying to deities with mantras and gemstone therapy like Yellow Sapphire for Jupiter or Blue Sapphire for Saturn, for example, are some ideal remedies for you based on your chart. 

Chanting a mantra such as ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ for job stability and ‘Om Gan Ganapataye Namah’ for business growth. 

Performing some planetary remedies like sunlight for better leadership skills. 

Consult Dr. Vinay Bajrangi for Career Guidance

 Choosing between a job or business is not just a personal preference but also a matter of planetary alignments. Career astrology consultant Dr. Vinay has the skills and experience to help you with an accurate forecast based on career astrology analysis. If the right career prediction is provided to you, then, surely, your decisions will be sound and success in the profession will follow. For a private consultation, meet Dr. Vinay to get the wisdom of your career astrological chart and be ready to change your life!

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