Impact of Saturn Presence in Kumbh Rashi After 3 Decades in year 2024

Impact of Saturn Presence in Kumbh Rashi After 3 Decades in year 2024

Saturn, enters its own sign, Aquarius on 16 January 2023 at 19:51 and stays up to 01:06 on 29 March 2025.  During these 26 months, Saturn will cruise over Dhanishta, Satabhisha and Poorvabhadra to teach a moral lesson to those who have used illegal means to achieve success, and indulged in immoral acts between 2020 to 2022. Benefits will be received by people as per their efforts.  Impact of Saturn transit in Kumbh rashi in 2024 is path breaking.

Saturn Impact on Zodiac Signs

Zodiac signs will be impacted in the following way.

Aries –Stressful events will continue to occur. Someone close to you may die. You will be misused financially by people with nefarious intentions. Finance improves after middle of 2024.

Taurus –Your health will decline. Bankruptcy is indicated. At the end of 2024, you will see some improvement in life.

Gemini – You will do well financially but it is a rough patch for doctors. Be careful about choosing friends.  You may not be in good terms with your father.

Cancer – You are experiencing tough times with respect to finance and health. During late 2024 you will be taking care of sick elderly and ailing spouse. Your close friend can offer support.

Leo – A person of opposite gender enters your life at wrong time.  Career front, things look promising but it will generate envy as well. Check Bad habits can ruin your good name.

Virgo – There is a huge setback in life, which you can’t fully overcome. Your children can cause serious worry. Your financial status will not be very satisfactory.

Libra – Health decline, negative attitude from kids and loved ones will depress you. Expect some shocks and some conflicts from enemies.

Scorpio – Your projects will be completed but delayed.  Time is favourable for real estate, and purchase of new vehicles. Time will not be auspicious for people in love and those married with kids.

Sagittarius – Time has come to be relieved of all sufferings and people who had hurt you once will be silenced. There will be slight career and marriage related setbacks. Married life, parents and kids will not be easy to handle.

Capricorn – Your stress will spoil your health. . Do not interfere in others’ lives. You will be held responsible for others inefficiency.

Aquarius – You will make a fatal decision financially and lose a few good friends. You may have to face unexpected problems. Health of a family member might be worrisome. Do not hop jobs and invest in new channels.

Pisces – At the end of 2024, you will disconnect with some old friends for good.  Take care of health and finance. You may buy a new vehicle and home. A huge change in career awaits you.

Saturn Transit

Kumbh Rashi is in the Sadesati’s Second Dhaiya/ Janma shani starting from 17/01/2023 – 29/03/2025.

Saturn transit is slightly malefic due to its transit in kumbha Rashi. Chronic health ailments, accidents and physical attacks can happen if not a little careful. You will experience separation from family due to conspiracy.

Sudden overseas trips and transfers in job are indicated. You may suddenly become slightly unreliable and scheming. You may be isolated from the family. You will be stressed out, but you will face the challenges anyway. Let us see which signs is luck with respect to finance.

Three zodiac signs will be lucky with respect to finance and enjoy Dhan Yoga.

Dhan yoga

The three signs, Capricorn, Taurus, and Aquarius are in a fortunate Dhan yoga phase.


Your investments will prove profitable. You may also purchase property. Your pending payments will come back to you on time. Good job opportunities are on the way and now is the time to change the job.  Your health prediction will be bright.


The 2024 transit of Saturn to Karma house, creates Dhan Rajyoga for you. Your investments will rain profits. The unemployed shall land nice jobs. Your health will be sound and, your pending jobs can be completed quickly.


The shasha raja yoga formed by Saturn will bring a smile on your face. You will see financial progress and make good investments profits. You will especially lucky with respect to court cases.  Increase in income will be experienced.  You can read more on how can astrology help in legal cases

Career astrology

As per the opinion of career astrology, Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu will have a remarkable impact on the career front.  Saturn stirs people into action. First four months of 2024 will see you bagging overseas work offers and quick career progress. July to September, you will either be promoted or change your job with a higher pay scale. Hard work is the key to success. Career is more than just stable, but brings in a good amount of stress that accompanies hard work.

Astrology consultation

To get a customized career option report from Mumbai Astro, it is always better to get your chart read by an eminent astrologer who will study your horoscope in detail, especially the planetary position and influences, and come up with suitable remedies that can mitigate any malefic influence and set you on the right track.  You can avail either offline or online astrology consultation, and get your remedies that work perfectly. 2024 impact of Saturn is powerful and changing lives. Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy life.

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