Love Compatibility by Zodiac Signs

We as humans long to find the most compatible love partner. To know love compatibility, we wish to have someone to advise us on which zodiac sign to date and which should not. The best astrologer may turn your dream come true! Mumbai Astro, the best astrology website may define the inherent personality traits of all signs in detail.

By looking at the positive and negative traits of different signs, we may determine the most compatible sign for us. Astrology software with a love calculator facilitates quick answers to our problems by putting the birth details of self and partner. It may predict someone’s exact love compatibility match easily.

Love Compatibility Calculator

First things first: How can astrology ascertain love compatibility?

We can identify love compatibility based on three things:

  • The element of the zodiac signs – Fire, Earth, Air, and Water
  • The duality of the zodiac signs- Movable, immovable, and dual
  • The moon sign of the person

To your amazement, as we generally think, the Sun sign has nothing to do with your Love Compatibility! Don’t look for a compatible partner based only on your Moon or Sun sign but the above three points as Mumbai Astro suggests. It has a lot more to it!

It is your ascendant that can give accurate information about you. Since the Sun stays in a sign for one month and the Moon for 2.5 days, it may not give as detailed information as the ascendant, which changes every 2 hours. Many people would have the same Moon sign, but you will not be compatible with them all. So, minute details must be checked to know the love compatibility of the partners.

Importance of Relationship Compatibility

With many instances of failure in marriages and love relationships, one should realize the importance of relationship compatibility. Taking a cure in time is always better than regretting it later. In love relationships, people are mostly fascinated by the outer looks and don’t bother to look for inner personality traits. It is applicable for a short time, but when love partners decide to tie the knot, things tend to change after a few months of their love marriage. The story is 50-50- either they will grow their love bond even stronger or argue or quarrel most of the time.

In an arranged marriage, knowing about relationship compatibility is equally important. After all, it is about your mutual relations and whole life. In astrology, Kundli Matching is popularly performed to know the relationship compatibility of a couple. However, it is the basic and mandatory step, not the only one. Mumbai Astro facilitates analyzing the position of the planets, karaka and janm nakshatra. Which deeply see whether two people will get well together.

It’s not just about peaceful married or love relations; your relationship will affect your career and wealth prospects, too. You can also find your daily career predictions at Mumbai Astro. It is interesting to observe that people with good married life also have good financial status. The Seventh House is the house of your spouse and your daily business. If, in any case, it is in a bad position, both its natural significations, i.e. your marriage and daily source of income, will be ruined. Thus, choose your partner wisely only after knowing your relationship compatibility, as it has a longer tale to tell.

How can you know whether you get a love marriage or arrange marriage?

This common question can be answered by looking at an individual’s birth chart. Certain astrological combinations help determine whether a person will get Love or Arranged marriage. Visit the best astrologer and know all your possibilities in marriage. Here, it suffices to say that if the 5th house of romance has any relations with the 7th house of marriage, there are chances of getting into love relations.

These predict chances, but whether you will actually get your love partner for life will be decided by the 11th house of the birth chart. Thus, we advise an astrological consultation before deciding to find your love or life partner.

How do you Ascertain Love Compatibility?

As we have already mentioned, 3 points or parameters have to be checked to know love compatibility with your partner.

The Element of the Zodiac Signs: It is a general rule that signs belonging to the same element go well with each other. Certain rules in Astrology define which element goes well with which other element. A learned astrologer has this knowledge and may predict which element suits you most. Generally, air signs go well with all other signs, and water with water, air with air, etc.

Fire– Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Earth– Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Air– Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Water– Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

The duality of the signs: The duality defines the inherent nature of a person. A person may remain confused while the other is strong-headed. There is a flexible tendency in some, while others are highly rigid. The duality explains how fast you will change your decisions or how fast the things around you will change. For example, a person with Lagna in the movable sign loves to travel more and is quite indecisive. Such a person can’t go well with someone who is strict in his approach and tends to stay in one place.

Movable signs– Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Immovable signs– Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius

Dual signs- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

The Moon Sign of the Person: This is again a very important aspect of finding love compatibility with someone. The Moon represents our mind and the mental state that makes us comfortable or uncomfortable with someone. The Moon signs of the partners should complement each other’s traits to have a compatible relationship.

The zodiac has our natal Moon give specific qualities to a person, and an astrologer tries to match them with your partner’s. The famous Horoscope Matching or ashtkoota Milan is based on the sign and nakshatra in which you’re natal Moon is placed.

Love Compatibility Calculator by Name and Date of Birth

One may use a love compatibility calculator by name and date of birth available at Mumbai Astro to know about love compatibility. One must enter their basic birth details with the partner, and the calculator will predict your mutual compatibility. A learned astrologer can analyze the abovementioned points, but an ordinary man can learn about love compatibility by using a love compatibility calculator.

However, astrological guidance is needed in serious relations if you wish to take it further into a love marriage. The Best Astrologer in India may go deep into the birth charts to reveal the hidden information that may primarily affect your marriage decision.

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