Horoscope Matching for Marriage: Importance & Benefits

In Hindu tradition, it’s common to perform horoscope matching for marriage before getting married. This ensures they’ll have a happy and harmonious life together. Vedic astrology places a lot of importance on kundli matching.

Now, Kundali matching involves eight categories called Kootas, each with 36 characteristics called Guns or Ganas. These need to match up between the bride and groom. This whole system of horoscope matching is also known as Ashta Koota Milan. It’s like ensuring all the puzzle pieces fit together for a happy marriage.

In horoscope matching by date of birth, Vedic astrology considers 36 points or Gunas across eight categories or Kootas. The higher the number of points or gunas, the better the compatibility between the bride and groom is believed to be. A match with 18 or more points is considered acceptable for marriage. However, more matched points are often preferred for a more harmonious and compatible union. It’s important to note that while Kundali matching is a traditional practice, the success of a marriage depends on various factors beyond gun milan.

The Moon- an important planet in Kundli Milan

The key factor in horoscope matching, Mumbai Astro, according to astrology is the position of the Moon in both the bride’s and groom’s horoscopes. In the Ashta Koota Milan system, the 36 characteristics listed are compared between the bride’s and groom’s horoscopes. The more of these characteristics that match, the happier the life of the couple is believed to be. The best possible match occurs when all 36 characteristics in the bride and groom’s horoscopes align.

In horoscope matching for Love Marriage, the number of matching aspects plays a crucial role:

Less than 18 Gunas: If fewer than 18 Gunas match between the bride and groom, Vedic astrology suggests that such a marriage may fail to be successful. It’s generally not advised.

18 to 24 Gunas: When 18 to 24 Gunas match, the marriage can be approved. However, the compatibility may be considered average.

25 to 32 Gunas: Matching between 25 to 32 Gunas is seen as very good. Such couples are expected to have a very happy marriage.

33 or More Gunas: When 33 or more Gunas match, it’s considered the best pairing. Such marriages are considered excellent, promising a harmonious union for the couple.

Useful variations of Ashtkoota Milan

While the Ashta Koot matching system is widely used in Vedic astrology for horoscope matching, a famous Mumbai Astrologer considers various additional parameters. In addition to Ashta Koota matching, some astrologers may also consider other matching criteria, such as:

Mahendra Koota: This criterion assesses the compatibility of the couple’s mental and physical energies.

Deergha Koota: Deergha Koota evaluates the compatibility of longevity and life span between the bride and groom.

Veda Koota: Veda Koota considers compatibility based on the religious and spiritual aspects of the couple.

Raju Koota: Raju Koota assesses the compatibility of financial and material aspects in the marriage.

These additional criteria provide astrologers with more detailed insights into the love compatibility and may be considered in various regional practices of Vedic astrology. It’s essential to consult with a knowledgeable astrologer who follows the specific traditions and parameters that align with your beliefs and regional practices.

Why Kundli matching is so Important?

Ancient Tradition: Kundali matching is deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of Vedic astrology. It has been practised for centuries and is considered a valuable heritage.

Scientific Basis: Kundali matching is not based on superstition but on scientific principles of astrology. It involves a systematic analysis of various factors in the birth charts of the bride and groom. One can get an astrological online report for kundli matching to know about their married relations. 

Compatibility Assessment: Kundali matching assesses the couple’s compatibility in various aspects of life, including temperament, health, finances, and family. This helps identify potential areas of harmony and discord in the marriage.

Effective Results: The Ashta Koota matching system, a part of Kundali matching, has a track record of promoting happy and successful marriages. Many couples have found it to be a valuable tool in ensuring marital bliss.

Preventing Potential Issues: Kundali matching can help identify potential challenges or conflicts in marriage beforehand, allowing couples to take preventive measures or make informed decisions.

In conclusion, Horoscope matching is seen as a valuable and effective tool for assessing compatibility and ensuring the success of marriages. It combines ancient wisdom with scientific principles to provide insights that can contribute to a happy and harmonious marital life.

Also Read: When I will get married by astrology?

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