What could be the reasons for late marriage?

Marriage is an important event in a person’s life, which is approached with enthusiasm and excitement. However, for some individuals, there may be delays and obstacles in the journey to marriage. In the field of astrology, these delays are considered to be the effects of various astronomical factors. Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, who is a renowned astrologer, explains delay in marriage through his views on “Astrological reasons for delay in marriage,” “No Marriage Yoga in Horoscope”, and “Obstruction in marriage due to Vastu Dosh.”

Astrological reasons for delay in marriage

Effect of malefic planets in the seventh house: The seventh house in the horoscope is the house of marriage. If there is influence of malefic planets in this house, then there may be a delay in marriage. Moreover, if the lord of the seventh house is weak or is associated with a malefic planet, then there may be a delay in marriage.

Effect of Mars: Mars is considered to be the planet that hinders marriage. If Mars is under inauspicious influence in a person’s horoscope, his marriage may get delayed. Additionally, if Mars is in the seventh house or is associated with a malefic planet, there may be a delay in marriage.

Effect of Saturn: Saturn is also considered a planet that hinders marriage. If Saturn is under inauspicious influence in a person’s horoscope, his marriage may get delayed. Apart from this, if Saturn is the seventh house or is associated with any malefic planet, then there may be a delay in marriage.

Effect of Venus: Venus is the planet of love and relationship. If Venus is weak or afflicted by any malefic planet, there may be a delay in marriage.

Other astrological reasons

Kaal Sarp Yoga: If a person has Kaal Sarp Yoga in Kundli, their marriage may get delayed.

Mangal Dosh: If a person has Mangal Dosh in Kundli, his marriage may get delayed.

Pitra Dosh: If a person has Pitra Dosh in Kundli, his marriage may get delayed.

No possibility of marriage in horoscope

If there is no possibility of marriage in a person’s horoscope, he may get married late. In the horoscope, the possibility of marriage is formed by many planets and houses. If any of these planets or houses are weak, there may be a delay in marriage. Some of this major yoga is as follows:

Effect of auspicious planets in seventh house: If a person has the influence of auspicious planets in the seventh house in the horoscope, then he can get married soon.

Lord of the seventh house is situated in an auspicious house: If the lord of the seventh house is situated in auspicious houses in a person’s horoscope, then he can get married soon.

Auspicious effects of Venus and Jupiter: Venus and Jupiter are considered to be the planets responsible for marriage. If these planets have auspicious effects on a person’s horoscope, he may get married soon.

Moon: Moon is the planet responsible for the mind. If the planet Moon is inauspicious, the person may get delayed in getting the desired life partner.

Obstacles in marriage due to Vastu Dosha

According to Vastu Shastra, if there is any Vastu Dosha in the house, there can be hindrance in marriage. Some major Vastu defects that can hinder marriage. Some of the major defects are as follows:

Bedroom Vastu: If the bedroom is in an inauspicious direction, then there may be obstacles in marriage.

Kitchen Vastu: If the kitchen is in an inauspicious direction, there may be hindrances in marriage.

Pooja Room Vastu: If the place of worship is in an inauspicious direction, there may be obstacles in marriage.

North-East Direction: The north-east direction of the house is the place of marriage. If there is any Vastu defect in this direction, there may be a delay in marriage.

Erosion in the North-East: North-East is a factor in marriage and life partner. If there is erosion in this angle, there may be a delay in marriage.

Keeping heavy objects in the south-west corner: The south-west corner is a factor for Rahu. If heavy objects are kept in this angle, there may be a delay in marriage.

Mirror in the bedroom: Keeping a mirror in the bedroom can cause obstacles in marriage.

Other reasons for delay in marriage

There are many people who marry after the age of 30, and some people never marry at all. There can be many reasons for late marriage, including personal and social reasons.

Education and Career: Nowadays, people marry late to focus on their education and career.

Economic Status: People marry late to become financially independent.

Social Pressure: There is a lot of pressure regarding marriage in society, due to which people get married late.

Family Problems: Marriage can also be delayed due to family problems.


If you are facing a delay in marriage then you can get consultation with Dr. Vinay Bajrangi for late marriage. They can study your horoscope to find out the reasons for delay in marriage and suggest suitable solutions. Apart from this, you can also remove obstacles in marriage by making changes in your house as per Vastu Shastra.

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